Each summer we spend a few days on the shores of Lake Superior, along the Keewenaw peninsula in Michigan. My husband’s grandma grew up spending her summers in this very same place … so it is steeped in family tradition and rich with memories that go way back. All year long, the kids countdown the number of months, weeks and days until we finally pack up our swimsuits and head north. This trip is a time where I soak in moments with my family. Away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I have time to really focus on them… and the small things grab my attention. My husbands scruffy chin. The flecks of green in his eyes. I notice that Kate has grown taller, again. And Asher’s fingernails always have a layer of smudge – no matter how often I clean them…. Unplugged from email, internet, and social media – I’m forced to live in the moment. It always takes a day or two to get accustomed to the idea that the world will not tip off its axis and stop spinning if I’m not tuned in… and in the end, I embrace the lack of connectivity. No news. No headlines. No notifications. Only fresh air, a clear mind and the pristine beauty of Lake Superior.
I had a hard time narrowing down a selection of images for this blog post… but here are a few of my favorites. I hope you enjoy!
When the lake water is too cold…
Tent view. Beach flowers. Sunset.
I like to think she’s looking out at the water, dreaming of grand adventures that will take her to the corners of the earth.
Pure concentration (his tongue sticking out is a dead giveaway that he’s focused on something important).
Waiting patiently for her canoe buddy… (that would be me.)
Wispy curls & pudgy cheeks. Tiny fingers and sandy toes…
That’s it folks… Thanks for stopping by!
This post is part of the ’11 on 11′ photography project that I’m participating in this year. If you’d like to continue the blog circle, please check out Sara’s post highlighting Miss Violet! (And don’t blame me if you melt into a puddle over the cuteness!)